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S3 class for primary event censored distribution computation


  pdist_name = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  dprimary_name = lifecycle::deprecated(),



Distribution function (CDF). The package can identify base R distributions for potential analytical solutions. For non-base R functions, users can apply add_name_attribute() to yield properly tagged functions if they wish to leverage the analytical solutions.


Function to generate the probability density function (PDF) of primary event times. This function should take a value x and a pwindow parameter, and return a probability density. It should be normalized to integrate to 1 over [0, pwindow]. Defaults to a uniform distribution over [0, pwindow]. Users can provide custom functions or use helper functions like dexpgrowth for an exponential growth distribution. See primary_dists.R for examples. The package can identify base R distributions for potential analytical solutions. For non-base R functions, users can apply add_name_attribute() to yield properly tagged functions if they wish to leverage analytical solutions.


List of additional arguments to be passed to dprimary. For example, when using dexpgrowth, you would pass list(min = 0, max = pwindow, r = 0.2) to set the minimum, maximum, and rate parameters


[Deprecated] this argument will be ignored in future versions; use add_name_attribute() on pdist instead


[Deprecated] this argument will be ignored in future versions; use add_name_attribute() on dprimary instead


Additional arguments to be passed to pdist


An object of class pcens_{pdist_name}_{dprimary_name}. This contains the primary event distribution, the delay distribution, the delay distribution arguments, and any additional arguments. It can be used with the pcens_cdf() function to compute the primary event censored cdf.

See also

Low level primary event censored distribution objects and methods pcens_cdf(), pcens_cdf.default(), pcens_cdf.pcens_pgamma_dunif(), pcens_cdf.pcens_plnorm_dunif(), pcens_cdf.pcens_pweibull_dunif()