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This method serves as a fallback for combinations of delay and primary event distributions that don't have specific implementations. It uses the numeric integration method.


# Default S3 method
pcens_cdf(object, q, pwindow, use_numeric = FALSE)



A primarycensored object as created by new_pcens().


Vector of quantiles


Primary event window


Logical, if TRUE forces use of numeric integration even for distributions with analytical solutions. This is primarily useful for testing purposes or for settings where the analytical solution breaks down.


This method implements the numerical integration approach for computing the primary event censored CDF. It uses the same mathematical formulation as described in the details section of pprimarycensored(), but applies numerical integration instead of analytical solutions.

See also

pprimarycensored() for the mathematical details of the primary event censored CDF computation.

Low level primary event censored distribution objects and methods new_pcens(), pcens_cdf(), pcens_cdf.pcens_pgamma_dunif(), pcens_cdf.pcens_plnorm_dunif(), pcens_cdf.pcens_pweibull_dunif()