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This function computes the primary event censored cumulative distribution function (CDF) for a given set of quantiles. It adjusts the CDF of the primary event distribution by accounting for the delay distribution and potential truncation at a maximum delay (D). The function allows for custom primary event distributions and delay distributions.


  pwindow = 1,
  D = Inf,
  dprimary = stats::dunif,
  dprimary_args = list(),
  pdist_name = NULL,
  dprimary_name = NULL,

  pwindow = 1,
  D = Inf,
  dprimary = stats::dunif,
  dprimary_args = list(),
  pdist_name = NULL,
  dprimary_name = NULL,



Vector of quantiles


Distribution function (CDF)


Primary event window


Maximum delay (truncation point). If finite, the distribution is truncated at D. If set to Inf, no truncation is applied. Defaults to Inf.


Function to generate the probability density function (PDF) of primary event times. This function should take a value x and a pwindow parameter, and return a probability density. It should be normalized to integrate to 1 over [0, pwindow]. Defaults to a uniform distribution over [0, pwindow]. Users can provide custom functions or use helper functions like dexpgrowth for an exponential growth distribution. See primary_dists.R for examples.


List of additional arguments to be passed to dprimary. For example, when using dexpgrowth, you would pass list(min = 0, max = pwindow, r = 0.2) to set the minimum, maximum, and rate parameters


A string specifying the name of the delay distribution function. If NULL, the function name is extracted using .extract_function_name(). Used to determine if a analytical solution exists for the primary censored distribution. Must be set if pdist is passed a pre-assigned variable rather than a function name.


A string specifying the name of the primary event distribution function. If NULL, the function name is extracted using .extract_function_name(). Used to determine if a analytical solution exists for the primary censored distribution. Must be set if dprimary is passed a pre-assigned variable rather than a function name.


Additional arguments to be passed to pdist


Vector of primary event censored CDFs, normalized by D if finite (truncation adjustment)


The primary event censored CDF is computed by integrating the product of the delay distribution function (CDF) and the primary event distribution function (PDF) over the primary event window. The integration is adjusted for truncation if a finite maximum delay (D) is specified.

The primary event censored CDF, \(F_{\text{cens}}(q)\), is given by: $$ F_{\text{cens}}(q) = \int_{0}^{pwindow} F(q - p) \cdot f_{\text{primary}}(p) \, dp $$ where \(F\) is the CDF of the delay distribution, \(f_{\text{primary}}\) is the PDF of the primary event times, and \(pwindow\) is the primary event window.

If the maximum delay \(D\) is finite, the CDF is normalized by dividing by \(F_{\text{cens}}(D)\): $$ F_{\text{cens,norm}}(q) = \frac{F_{\text{cens}}(q)}{F_{\text{cens}}(D)} $$ where \(F_{\text{cens,norm}}(q)\) is the normalized CDF.

This function creates a primarycensored object using new_pcens() and then computes the primary event censored CDF using pcens_cdf(). This abstraction allows for automatic use of analytical solutions when available, while seamlessly falling back to numerical integration when necessary.

Note: For analytical detection to work correctly, pdist and dprimary must be directly passed as distribution functions, not via assignment or pdist_name and dprimary_name must be used to override the default extraction of the function name.

See also

new_pcens() and pcens_cdf()

Primary event censored distribution functions dprimarycensored(), rprimarycensored()


# Example: Lognormal distribution with uniform primary events
pprimarycensored(c(0.1, 0.5, 1), plnorm, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
#> [1] 0.0002753888 0.0475094632 0.2384217081

# Example: Lognormal distribution with exponential growth primary events
  c(0.1, 0.5, 1), plnorm,
  dprimary = dexpgrowth,
  dprimary_args = list(r = 0.2), meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1
#> [1] 0.0002496934 0.0440815583 0.2290795695